Moulting on the Job

Moulting on the Job

Please excuse us whilst we moult. We’re a little scruffy….


but we still like getting up to mischief…. like coming into the house…


and having a good nap under the table…


Smudge also likes a good nap and snuggle on the sofa.

As for me, I’ve been treated to a few chicken themed goodies!

Unfortunately since my last post though (which I’ll admit was a while ago), we have lost one of our girls. I’m sad to say that our dear Blossom, one of our little Warrens, has left us. She just went over night without warning and we still don’t know what caused it. She is missed so much, even Smudge had taken to hanging out up near the chicken enclosure after she died to comfort the other girls. This now brings our little flock to 7. RIP our little Blossom.

2016-04-05 13.41.30

Other than that, not much else to report. With a lot of fruits ripening we’re planning to do lots of interesting brewings soon that I’m hoping to document so keep an eye out for that entry next.